AirbrushKing.net Tournaments was established in 2008 and is based in Houston, Texas. Our mission is to give casual & professional players the best competitive tournament gaming experience. DeAngelo began tournament organizing in 2007 and is the Founder of AirbrushKing.net Tournaments & TYS (Test Your Skills) Series. The TYS Series was launched in 2009 and with over 24 TYS (Monthly) events featuring all 2D/3D fighting games, it went on to be one of the largest competitive gaming series. Allan began tournament organizing in 2004 for Smash Bros. Melee and is the Founder of HOBO (Houston Official Brawl Organization) Series. The HOBO Series was launched in 2008 and with over 40 HOBO (Monthly) & 5 WHOBO (Yearly) events featuring Smash Bros. Brawl, it is the longest most successful Smash Bros. Brawl Series in the history of smash featuring some of the best players from around the world. TYS & HOBO combined together brought in a total of 100-250 players per event every month making this the largest monthly video game event in Houston & Texas. In 2015, DeAngelo and Allan launched a new championship series called (TGC) Texas Gaming Championships. TGC is a professional video game championship series featuring the best players in Texas competing in a variety of tournaments to see who is the best. TGC events will feature top player rankings in Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS, Ultra Street Fighter 4, Guilty Gear Xrd, Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Smash Bros Melee and Killer Instinct. TGC will also offer a BYOC (Bring Your Own Console) area, mobile app, social gaming atmosphere and much more.

Meet the Tournament Organizers



Founder of TGC (Texas Gaming Championships) & TYS (Test Your Skills) Series



Founder of WHOBO/HOBO (Houston Official Brawl Organization) Series


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